The Rapoport Family Foundation supports summer research in American political behavior for PhD students who have not yet advanced to candidacy. Ultimately, we hope to generate peer-reviewed publications, co-authored by faculty and graduate students. There is no application process; universities must be invited to apply by the Foundation.
Although the priority of the program is summer research in the field of American political behavior, summer research in comparative political behavior and American politics will be considered.
The grants will be managed and administered by the Chair of the Department of Political Science in each participating institution. Proposals should be jointly submitted by graduate students and faculty members, and should include a brief statement from the faculty member describing the collaboration plan and, if applicable, his/her progress on previous summer collaborative awards. Student recipients will be full collaborators in carrying out the research, writing manuscripts, presentations of the research at conferences, and submitting the work for publication.
All participants will be invited to join an optional shared email listserv.
Recipients will be strongly encouraged to submit a report to the Donor by the end of the year of their award detailing the current status of the research.
Working papers and publications resulting from this funding should acknowledge the Rapoport Family Foundation.
Awarded spring of 2021